Thursday 8 November 2012

Batty About Books

This year Grade 2 chose a literary theme for their entry into the ISW Spirit Day Door Decorating Contest.  Each student chose their favorite scary book from the library and awarded it a medal.  For example, we had the “Most Bone Chilling Book”, “Bloodiest Book”, “Spookiest Book”, etc.  The medals were then glued inside the belly of a black bat.   Thanks to our kind room parents we had glitter pens, silly eyeballs, and stickers to decorate our bats.  Please feel free to drop by our classroom and see our door, the boys and girls put a lot of effort into decorating it. 



In the end we were awarded “The Most Terrifying Batty Story Door” by Ms. Mott and Mr. Cardona.  Good job Grade 2!


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