Tuesday 5 March 2013

Heidi by Johanna Spyri

Grade 2 has spent the last two weeks finishing POI work and getting ready for our rescheduled assembly.  This was quite a big project!  First we read an abridged version of Heidi by Swiss author Johanna Spyri and learned to identify the characters, setting and plot of a story.  Next, we looked more closely at the opposing settings in Heidi and wrote detailed descriptions of the Swiss Alps and nineteenth century Frankfurt.  To help us, we focused on the four senses (sight, smell, sound, and feelings) and the details that everyone came up with were outstanding!  From bright blue alpine flowers to noisy carriage filled streets, we were certainly transported into the story.  Accompanying the written work are two large paintings done in pairs.  The project will soon be on display in our classroom, so please feel free to come in and have a look.



School Supplies - Quick Reminder


Please ensure your child brings a well stocked pencil case/kit to school every day.  Alternatively, it can be left in the classroom for the remainder of the school year. 

Kind regards,


Ms. Christine Aberley

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