Thursday 14 March 2013

Job Hunt

With an ever expanding vocabulary, Grade 2 looked through magazines to find photographs of people doing different jobs.  From farmers to professional athletes to surgeons, each member of the class found a variety of jobs.  The photographs are now on display in our classroom and serve as a visual reminder of the endless career possibilities available to the class in the future.


Later in the week, Grade 2 watched a BrainPop Jr video on different community jobs - including the responsibilities of police officers, dentists, and teachers.  To solidify their understanding, they wrote POLICE and TEACHER acrostics and the class certainly rose to the challenge.  Grade 2 thought about the roles and responsibilities associated with each job, adding their own insights along the way.

Request for Parent Guest Speakers

Do you have a job that you are passionate about?  Grade 2 would love to hear about it!  One of the highlights of our current POI is having the chance to hear from different adults about their jobs.  Last year we had visits from an investment banker, CFO, sales director and French language teacher. 

Please contact me via email to if you would like to speak with the class or simply drop by the Grade 2 classroom.  


Kind regards,


Ms. Christine Aberley

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