Friday 26 April 2013

Leo Burnett Switzerland Field Trip

Today was a very exciting day for Grade 2!  To mark the end of their inquiry into workplaces and different jobs, the class had the opportunity to visit Leo Burnett Switzerland, one of the country’s leading advertising agencies.  There they had the chance to sit in the board room, watch some award winning TV commercials produced by the agency, tour the different departments and then have a Q & A session with an Account Director and Creative Director.  A highlight of the visit included being able to hold some of the awards won by Leo Burnett for their creative work, such as the prestigious Cannes Golden Lion.


To prepare for the visit, the class learned about different kinds of advertisements (print, TV, and web) and that every advertisement has a client, product and message behind it.  They also became familiar with the different responsibilities of an account director, creative director, desktop publisher and copywriter.      



Grade 2 would like to give a big thank you to the kind employees at Leo Burnett for hosting us!  You have definitely inspired some of the class to a future in advertising.
Kind regards,
Ms. Christine Aberley
CEO, Grade 2

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